How to preserve cabbage in the cellar

Put the cabbage in a wooden box, leaving 3-5 centimeters between the vegetables, and cover it with dry sand. Then put a second layer of cabbage and repeat until the box is full. Pour 20 cm of dry sand into the box and stick the cabbage with the heads of cabbage down.

How to store cabbage in the winter in the cellar?

The most effective way to store cabbage in winter is in a cellar or basement. To do this, you need to wrap each head of cabbage tightly with several layers of plastic wrap. Polyethylene adheres well and allows you to pack each vegetable neatly and efficiently, and is also characterized by hygiene and good moisture resistance.

What is the best way to store cabbage?

The most suitable air temperature for storing cabbage is fro m-1 to +2°C, and the humidity is 85-95%. At the same time, the storage facility should be ventilated at least once a month to prevent fungi from growing in it. Before putting cabbage in storage, dust the heads of cabbage with chalk or slaked lime.

How to preserve cabbage at home?

IMPORTANT TO KNOW ✔ In the refrigerator, cabbage heads will quickly wilt, and wrapped in a plastic bag will rot. The best conditions for storing fresh cabbage are temperatures fro m-1 to +1°C and relative humidity of 90-98%. Higher temperatures will promote the development of rot.